
Some stuff may be missing!

  1. Renderer
    1. Renderer()
    2. GetWidth()
    3. GetHeight()
    4. GetCenter()
    5. GetLayer()
    6. AddLayer()
    7. RGBToColorRef()
    8. GetColorPallete()
    9. SetColorInPallete()
    10. SetColorPallete()
    11. InFocus()
    12. GetFPS()
    13. Active
    14. RenderOffFocus
    15. FrameDelayMs
    16. Objects
    17. RenderThread
    18. CameraPos
    19. hInput
    20. hOutput
    21. DeltaTime
    22. ResizeCallback
  2. Layer
    1. Drive Info
    2. File Info
    3. Folder Info
    4. File List
  3. Objects
    1. Drive Info
    2. File Info
    3. Folder Info
    4. File List

1 Renderer

1.1 Renderer()
Creates a new instance of Renderer and starts a thread that handles all of the rendering.
If MainRenderer is nullptr it will be set to the first created Renderer instance.
FrameDelayMs is set to 20 and
Active is set to true.

Like calling the function below with renderOffFocus set to true.

Renderer(bool renderOffFocus)
renderOffFocus: sets RenderOffFocus.

1.2 GetWidth()
Gets the width of the console in characters.

int GetWidth()

1.3 GetHeight()
Gets the height of the console in characters.

int GetHeight()

1.4 GetCenter()
Gets the center of the console reletive to the camera.

Vector2 GetCenter()

1.5 GetLayer()
Gets the layer with the name or nullptr.

Layer* GetLayer(std::string name)
name: The name of the layer you're looking for.

1.6 AddLayer()
Adds the layer to all of the layers.

void AddLayer(Layer* layer)
layer: The layer to be added.

1.7 RGBToColorRef()
Converts RGB value to COLORREF.

COLORREF RGBToColorRef(u8 R, u8 G, u8 B)
R: The red value of the color 0-255.
G: The green value of the color 0-255.
B: The blue value of the color 0-255.

1.8 GetColorPallete()
Gets the consoles color pallete.

void GetColorPallete(COLORREF* colors)
colors: Gets filled with the consoles colors.
MUST be an initialized list of 16 COLORREF.

1.9 SetColorInPallete()
Sets the specified color in the consoles color pallete.

void SetColorInPallete(int index, COLORREF color)
index: The index of the color to replace (0-15).
color: The color to replace with.

1.10 SetColorPallete()
Sets the consoles pallete to the specified colors.

void SetColorPallete(COLORREF* colors)
colors: The colors to replace with (List of 16 COLORREF).

1.11 InFocus()
Returns true if the console is in focus otherwise false.

void InFocus()

1.12 GetFPS()
Returns the fps the renderer is runnung at or 1001 if its over 1000 frames per second.

int GetFPS()